Navigating what merchandise works best for your brand can be tough, but we’re here to make sure you’re on the right track. With that being said, are you making any of these 4 fatal swag mistakes?
1. Your swag only has your logo on it.
Your brand is so much more than your logo! Think about your core values and which ideas from your brand mean the most to your audience. Your fans want something that connects them to your brand or company and that they can relate to and feel inspired by.
2. You print and buy in bulk.
When you print too much of the same thing, a good chunk of it is inevitably going to be thrown out or given away.
3. PENS.
Unless you’re a business that is directly related to writing, you don’t need pens. They do not strengthen or build relationships like higher-quality goods.. Even if the pen gets used, people will likely never think twice about what the pen says.
4. Assuming you know peoples’ sizes.
Body size varies quite a bit, and some people aren’t comfortable in certain types of apparel. Most companies make assumptions about the size distributions of who will be receiving their stuff, and a lot of the times they are completely wrong. Yikes!
All of the above problems can be solved by switching to Print on Demand merchandise and swag (with us 😉).